Bridge of Doom Solutions (QEA 2020)

Context and Summary

This is a sample solution for the Bridge of Doom Challenge from QEA Spring 2020. In this semester we used simulated Neatos, so some tweaks were necessary. The main tweaks were to use rostime instead of tic and toc for timing and to use a rosservice call to place the Neato at the start of the bridge. This code is meant to be run with the bod_volcano simulator world (see Meeto Your Neato for instructions on getting the simulator up and running).

Source Code Listing

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function bridgeOfDoomQEA2020()

% This script pilots the Neato along a parameterized curve (R).  The major
% components of this challenge are to compute the linear and angular
% velocity required to traverse the curve.  While not shown in this code,
% we also require that they set the left and right wheel velocities
% directly (rather than linear and angular velocity as in this example).

visualize = false;

% define u explicitly to avoid error when using sub functions
% see:
u = [];
% u will be our parameter
syms u;

% these assumptions are not strictly necessary, but they do make some of
% the expressions a bit tidier.

% dilation is the conversion from the raw parameterization of the curve
% to time.  Larger dilation means that the robot will traverse the curve
% more slowly (taking a longer time)
dilation = 10;

% scale the bridge
R = 4*[0.396*cos(2.65*(u/dilation+1.4));...

% the parameters u goes from 0 3.2.  Since we want to dilate time, we set
% our time bounds based on the approporiate factor
timeBounds = [0 (3.2)*dilation];
width = 0.6;

% tangent vector
T = diff(R);

% normalized tangent vector
That = T/norm(T);

% normal vector
N = diff(That);

% angular velocity vector
omega = cross(That, N);

% the instantaneous speed of the robot
linearSpeed = norm(T);

% the simulated Neato we used in 2020 had a wheel base of 0.235m
d = 0.235;
velocityLeftWheel = linearSpeed - d/2*omega(3);
velocityRightWheel = linearSpeed + d/2*omega(3);

if visualize
    % plot the path itself
    fplot(R(1), R(2), timeBounds);
    axis equal;


    % plot the angular velocity and linear speed over time
    fplot(linearSpeed, timeBounds);
    hold on;
    fplot(omega(3), timeBounds);
    legend({'Linear velocity', 'Angular velocity'});

pub = rospublisher('raw_vel', 'islatching', false);
% stop the robot if it's going right now
stopMsg = rosmessage(pub);
stopMsg.Data = [0 0];
send(pub, stopMsg);

bridgeStart = double(subs(R,u,timeBounds(1)));
startingThat = double(subs(That,u,timeBounds(1)));
placeNeato(bridgeStart(1),  bridgeStart(2), startingThat(1), startingThat(2), 0.55);

% wait a bit for robot to fall onto the bridge

disp('starting trajectory');
while true
    u_val = rostoc() + timeBounds(1);
    if u_val > timeBounds(2)
    msg = rosmessage(pub);
    % subsitute the current time into the computed expressions
    vL = double(subs(velocityLeftWheel, u, u_val));
    vR = double(subs(velocityRightWheel, u, u_val));
    msg.Data = [vL, vR];
    % send to the robot
    send(pub, msg);
    % wait a little bit before the next iteration
% stop the robot
msg = rosmessage(pub);
msg.Data = [0 0];
send(pub, msg);
clear pub;
