Gradient Ascent Sample
Context and Summary
This is an implementation of the gradient ascent algorithm. You can reference test_gradient.mlx for a LiveScript notebook that shows how to use this function.
Source Code Listing
download sourcefunction R = gradient_ascent(...
grad, ...
r_0, ...
delta, ...
lambda_0, ...
tolerance, ...
n_max ...
% gradient_ascent perform gradient ascent on a multivariate function
% Usage
% R = gradient_ascent(grad, r_0, delta, lambda_0, tolerance, n_max)
% Arguments
% grad = (function handle) gradient of function-to-maximize, must return
% a vector
% r_0 = (vector) initial guess
% delta = (float) stepsize decay parameter; should have delta < 1
% lambda_0 = (float) initial stepsize
% tolerance = (float) gradient convergence tolerance
% n_max = (int) maximum iteration count
% Returns
% R = (matrix) full iteration history
%% Setup
r_i = r_0;
grad_i = grad(r_i);
n = 0;
lambda = lambda_0;
R = [r_i];
%% Main loop
while (n < n_max) && (norm(grad_i) > tolerance)
% Gradient ascent step
r_i = r_i + lambda * grad_i;
% Iterate loop variables
grad_i = grad(r_i);
lambda = delta * lambda;
n = n + 1;
R(end + 1, :) = r_i;