A Helper Function to Place the Neato at the Specified Poisition and Orientation

Context and Summary

This is a simple function used in many of the robot challenges to put the Neato at a specified location and orientation. For example, before driving the Bridge of Doom you need the Neato to be located at the start of the bridge with the correct heading.

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% For simulated Neatos only:
% Place the Neato in the specified x, y position and specified heading vector.
function placeNeato(posX, posY, headingX, headingY, posZ)
    if nargin < 5
        posZ = 1.0;
    svc = rossvcclient('gazebo/set_model_state');
    msg = rosmessage(svc);

    msg.ModelState.ModelName = 'neato_standalone';
    startYaw = atan2(headingY, headingX);
    quat = eul2quat([startYaw 0 0]);

    msg.ModelState.Pose.Position.X = posX;
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Position.Y = posY;
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Position.Z = posZ;
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.W = quat(1);
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.X = quat(2);
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.Y = quat(3);
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.Z = quat(4);

    % put the robot in the appropriate place
    ret = call(svc, msg);