Context and Summary
Specify the left and right wheel velocities as input arguments to drive the Neato with those velocities for 20 seconds. The script will plot the resultant positions of the Neato as time elapses.
Source Code Listing
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function dataset = runBasicWheelVelocityExperiment ( vL , vR )
% these are our target wheel velocities
if ~ exist ( 'vL' , 'var' )
vL = 0.2 ;
if ~ exist ( 'vR' , 'var' )
vR = 0.1 ;
% this publisher lets us command the wheel velocities
pub = rospublisher ( '/raw_vel' );
sub_states = rossubscriber ( '/gazebo/model_states' , 'gazebo_msgs/ModelStates' );
msg = rosmessage ( pub );
% make sure robot starts out with 0 velocity
msg . Data = [ 0 , 0 ];
send ( pub , msg );
pause ( 2 );
msg . Data = [ vL , vR ];
send ( pub , msg );
% use this instead of tic and toc as the simualtor's clock doesn't go
% exactly at realtime
start = rostime ( 'now' );
dataset = zeros ( 0 , 3 );
% loop until 20 seconds has elapsed
while true
currTime = rostime ( 'now' );
elapsedTime = currTime - start ;
if elapsedTime . seconds >= 20
break ;
disp ([ 'Elapsed time: ' , num2str ( elapsedTime . seconds )]);
[ posX , posY ] = getNeatoPosition ( receive ( sub_states ));
dataset ( end + 1 ,:) = [ elapsedTime . seconds , posX , posY ];
pause ( 0.05 );
% stop the Neato by setting both wheel velocities to 0
msg . Data = [ 0 , 0 ];
send ( pub , msg );
f1 = figure ;
plot ( dataset (:, 2 ), dataset (:, 3 ), 'b.' );
hndl = xlabel ( 'X position (m)' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 20 );
hndl = ylabel ( 'Y position (m)' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 20 );
hndl = title ( 'Neato Position' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 28 );
f2 = figure ;
subplot ( 2 , 1 , 1 );
plot ( dataset (:, 1 ), dataset (:, 2 ), 'k.' );
hndl = xlabel ( 'Time (seconds)' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 20 );
hndl = ylabel ( 'X position (m)' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 20 );
subplot ( 2 , 1 , 2 );
plot ( dataset (:, 1 ), dataset (:, 3 ), 'r.' );
hndl = xlabel ( 'Time (seconds)' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 20 );
hndl = ylabel ( 'Y position (m)' );
set ( hndl , 'FontSize' , 20 );
function [ posX , posY ] = getNeatoPosition ( msg )
for i = 1 : length ( msg . Name )
if strcmp ( msg . Name { i }, 'neato_standalone' )
posX = msg . Pose ( i ) . Position . X ;
posY = msg . Pose ( i ) . Position . Y ;