Bridge of Doom Starter Code (QEA 2020)

Context and Summary

This starter code sets up the basic template for your Bridge of Doom code. The code will stop your robot’s wheels, define the parametric curve to drive, and place the robot at the start of the bridge facing the appropriate direction.

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function starterCodeForBridgeOfDoomQEA2020()
% Insert any setup code you want to run here

% define u explicitly to avoid error when using sub functions
% see:
u = [];
% u will be our parameter
syms u;

% this is the equation of the bridge
R = 4*[0.396*cos(2.65*(u+1.4));...

% tangent vector
T = diff(R);

% normalized tangent vector
That = T/norm(T);

pub = rospublisher('raw_vel');

% stop the robot if it's going right now
stopMsg = rosmessage(pub);
stopMsg.Data = [0 0];
send(pub, stopMsg);

bridgeStart = double(subs(R,u,0));
startingThat = double(subs(That,u,0));
placeNeato(bridgeStart(1),  bridgeStart(2), startingThat(1), startingThat(2));

% wait a bit for robot to fall onto the bridge

% time to drive!!

% For simulated Neatos only:
% Place the Neato in the specified x, y position and specified heading vector.
function placeNeato(posX, posY, headingX, headingY)
    svc = rossvcclient('gazebo/set_model_state');
    msg = rosmessage(svc);

    msg.ModelState.ModelName = 'neato_standalone';
    startYaw = atan2(headingY, headingX);
    quat = eul2quat([startYaw 0 0]);

    msg.ModelState.Pose.Position.X = posX;
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Position.Y = posY;
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Position.Z = 1.0;
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.W = quat(1);
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.X = quat(2);
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.Y = quat(3);
    msg.ModelState.Pose.Orientation.Z = quat(4);

    % put the robot in the appropriate place
    ret = call(svc, msg);