Teleoperation and Scan Visualization
Context and Summary
This code allows you to pilot the Neato around and look at its LIDAR data.
Source Code Listing
download sourcefunction teleopAndVisualizer()
% This script provides a visualization and teleop interface to the Neato
% robots. In order to use it, you first must connect to the Neatos
% using the procedure on the webpage. To launch the application run:
% teleopAndVisualizer()
% Running this script will startup a figure window that will show the
% heading of the robot along with the laser scan data in the odometry
% coordinate system of the robot.
% To control the robot with the keyboard, you must have the focus on the
% visualizer window (i.e. click on the window). The key mappings are:
% i : forward
% k : stop
% j : left
% l : right
% , : backward
% u : forward while turning left
% o : forward while turning right
% m : backward while turning left
% . : backward while turning right
% Additionally there are sliders that control the both the forward and
% angular speed of the robot.
% To stop execution of the program, simply close the figure window.
function setLinearVelocity(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% callback function for the linear velocity slider
v = get(hObject, 'Value');
function myCloseRequest(src,callbackdata)
% Close request function
% to display a question dialog box
% get rid of subscriptions to avoid race conditions
clear sub_scan;
function setAngularVelocity(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% callback function for the angular velocity slider
w = get(hObject, 'Value');
function processProjectedScan(sub, msg)
% Process the point cloud given by the /projected_stable_scan topic
% This function computes the robot's pose and plots it as a red
% arrow in the figure. It also has a visualization of the laser
% scan projected into the odom coordinate frame.
odom_pose = getTransform(tftree, 'odom', 'base_link');
trans = odom_pose.Transform.Translation;
quat = odom_pose.Transform.Rotation;
rot = quat2eul([quat.W quat.X quat.Y quat.Z]);
prev = gcf;
quiver(trans.X, trans.Y, cos(rot(1)), sin(rot(1)), 'color', 'r', 'maxheadsize', 2, 'linewidth', 1);
axis manual;
hold on;
cloud = readXYZ(msg);
plot(cloud(:,1), cloud(:,2),'b.');
hold off;
if isvalid(prev)
set(0, 'CurrentFigure', prev);
function keyPressedFunction(fig_obj, eventDat)
% Convert a key pressed event into a twist message and publish it
ck = get(fig_obj, 'CurrentKey');
msg = rosmessage(pub);
switch ck
case 'i'
msg.Linear.X = v;
msg.Angular.Z = 0;
case 'u'
msg.Linear.X = v;
msg.Angular.Z = w;
case 'j'
msg.Linear.X = 0;
msg.Angular.Z = w;
case 'm'
msg.Linear.X = -v;
msg.Angular.Z = -w;
case 'comma'
msg.Linear.X = -v;
msg.Angular.Z = 0;
case 'period'
msg.Linear.X = -v;
msg.Angular.Z = w;
case 'l'
msg.Linear.X = 0;
msg.Angular.Z = -w;
case 'o'
msg.Linear.X = v;
msg.Angular.Z = -w;
case 'k'
msg.Linear.X = 0;
msg.Angular.Z = 0;
send(pub, msg);
v = 0.3;
w = 0.8;
tftree = rostf;
pub = rospublisher('/cmd_vel', 'geometry_msgs/Twist');
sub_scan = rossubscriber('/projected_stable_scan', 'sensor_msgs/PointCloud2', @processProjectedScan);
f = figure('CloseRequestFcn',@myCloseRequest);
xlim([-10 10]);
ylim([-10 10]);
sld = uicontrol('Style', 'slider',...
'Position', [200 20 120 20],...
'Callback', @setLinearVelocity);
% Add a text uicontrol to label the slider.
txt = uicontrol('Style','text',...
'Position',[200 45 120 20],...
'String','Linear Velocity Scale');
sld = uicontrol('Style', 'slider',...
'Position', [20 20 120 20],...
'Callback', @setAngularVelocity);
% Add a text uicontrol to label the slider.
txt = uicontrol('Style','text',...
'Position',[20 45 120 20],...
'String','Angular Velocity Scale');
set(f,'WindowKeyPressFcn', @keyPressedFunction);